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News › Spartak v USA
Ohlasy na Š440 ze světa Na záznamech IP na počítadle našich stránek přibývá dotyků ze všech koutů světa.
" Když však příjde mail z USA, člověk zpozorní a je opatrný. Nějaké zkušenosti s kamarádíčky, kteří chtějí "potěšit" už máme...
" Dobře se však četl už začátek:
" Thank you for your excellent website featuring the Skoda 440. Here in the USA it is very difficult to find Skoda cars but while I was school, I learned to drive in a 1959 440 saloon

Thank you for your excellent website featuring the Skoda 440. Here in the USA it is very difficult to find Skoda cars but while I was school, I learned to drive in a 1959 440 saloon. I very much want to own another Skoda someday. Perhaps I can find one in the Czech Republic.
" Sincerely,
" John Moglia
" Columbus, Ohio
Hello Vladimir,
" I am 56 years old now. I was 15 when I learned to drive the Skoda. I kept it for a few years and sold it. There was another Skoda in my town belonging to a man named Kenneth Chapelier.He sold the car in 1966.
" I saw the Skoda in North by Northwest and I bought a VHS copy of the movie just to be able to see the Skoda.
" xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx! I am very interested in the Skoda Octavia TS as well as the 440. I also like the Tatra 603.
" Currently, I own a 1966 Renault Caravelle and a 1994 Mazda MX-3. I bought the Mazda when it was new and I driven it over 300,000 miles with no repairs needed except for tires and brakes.
" Thank you for responding to my message. I will be glad to communicate with you.
" Sincerely,
" John Moglia
Hi Vladimir,
" Unfortunately, Kenneth died several years ago so I cannot request any pictures from him.
" The first time I saw North by Northwest I still owned my Skoda, so I recognized it immediately. I also saw several Skodas and Tatras when I went to Expo 67 in Montreal with my parents.
" I am a xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx all over the USA. One exception is the work I do for a collector car restoration shop near my home. They currently have several Chevrolet vehicles from the 1950's as well as a 1941 Packard Clipper, several Ford Mustangs, a Geo Metro Cabriolet, some older Jeeps, and some MG's and other odds and ends. I am teaching the shop the correct way to run a business.
" I will send you some pictures after I repair the DVD drive on my computer.
" Your friend,
" John Moglia
Osobní věci jsem vykřížkoval a moje odpovědi nejsou podstatné.

Posted by Rancher Wednesday, February 04, 2004 (12:46:48)
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Ohlasy na Š440 ze světa

"Spartak v USA" | Login/Create an Account | 2 comments
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Re: Spartak v USA (Score: 1 )
by Anonymous on Tuesday, February 10, 2004 (19:56:31)
Vix z http://forum.goo.cz se vyjádřil ve smyslu: "A pritom Kulhanek tvrdi, ze Skoda do USA nikdy nepronikne, pac tam nema reference. Neco mi tady "Pokulhava""

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Re: Spartak v USA (Score: 1 )
by Anonymous on Tuesday, February 10, 2004 (20:03:55)
K tomu je třeba říci, že je s podivem, že v době křižníků se Spartaky na americkém trhu chytly.
Text toho letáku je bomba! "To co Detroit teprve chystá ..."

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